Support for product 07-427.0
On this page you will find the manuals in digital form, as well as videos about the individual functions of the lighting transformer.
There are 5 modules. The videos can be found under the instructions.
1. initial setup: configuration of single outputs
2. basic features
3. advanced functions in configuration mode
4. set up toy mode
5. troubleshooting
Instructions for 07-427.0
The instructions apply depending on the model. The models can be distinguished by a date code. This is printed on the product.
Module 1: Initial setup: configuration of individual outputs [4 MB]
Module 2: Basic features [4 MB]
Module 3: Advanced functions in configuration mode [2 MB]
Module 4: Set up toy mode [2 MB]
Module 5: Reset (video in HD) [3 MB]
Module 6: Troubleshooting
For general problems with lights or similar please refer to page 9 Troubleshooting.
If configuration or similar fails, please disconnect all lights at outputs 2-5. Please operate only max. 1 bulb or some LEDs at output 1. Now check the functionality.
If only some keys of the remote control work (e.g. On/Off), the remote control may be defective. Please write us shortly.
If other strange effects occur, the transformer itself may be defective. Please write to us briefly.
If you are interested in translating our videos into other languages (FR / IT / ES) and/or speaking a soundtrack, just write to us. We are looking forward to your message. You can find our e-mail in the imprint. Note: For the translation an installation of VSDC Video Editor is recommended.